13 Fitness Concepts Used to Improve Results in the FIRST 4 Weeks of Training!
1) Push ups and pull ups: This is one of the very first things that you should learn because it’s also a great way to get a great muscle development. Do 20 push ups, 20 pull ups, 20 push ups. Keep going until you can’t do any more. That’s one push up every twenty minutes.
2) Prone Kneeling: This is for your quadriceps muscles. You’ll need these muscles for when you’re in the future. Do two minutes of kneeling down and you’ll have a great quad workout.
3) Seated and standing: This is for your glutes. Do two minutes of seated glute bridges and then two minutes of standing glute bridges.
4) A three minute workout is what you’ll need for a great core workout. Keep your core tight and try to stay there for as long as you can. These are some of the most important muscles for a great body.
5) Now for your obliques. You’ll need your obliques for a great face. There are a lot of oblique exercises that you can do. Here is a great place to go. Do ten oblique crunches. Now you’ll have great oblique muscles.
6) Your quads are very important to get a great body. A three minute workout will be fine for a great body. A four minute workout, you’re going to have a great body.
7) In terms of our favorite thing to do is jump and run. This is to give a great workout. It will give you a great cardio workout. However, it’s not a great nutrition exercise.
Now all of these exercises are going to be done on the floor. Make sure that you’re putting your core in a position to make it very hard for you to move afterwards. This will help you recover quicker because you can’t move. If you do this you’re going to be able to walk up the stairs or run up the stairs.
For the push ups and the sit ups your doing two push ups and one sit up. In terms of the glute bridges and the glute squats you’re doing four push ups and four sit ups. It is important that you are going to have to bend your knees so that you can get the weight down.
8) You need to watch your food. It is very important that you do not have a big meal right before you go to bed. It will give you a good boost to wake up hungry. It is very important that you have one little meal before you go to bed. Your going to need a lot of protein for the exercise. It is very important that you will be keeping track of your carbs and fats and how much you’re taking.
9) You are going to need to keep track of your calories. It is very important that you track your calories. This will help you know how many calories you’re having. It is very important that you have track your carbs and fats.
10) If you’re going to be doing your post workout nutrition then it is very important that you have enough carbohydrates. A good snack in between your exercises is going to help you increase your recovery. It will also help you get your glycogen replenished. Your going to need a good carb shake right before you go to bed to help your replenish your glycogen.
11) Your going to need more carbs in the morning than your going to need at night. For every pound of body weight you have, you need to have 1.5 to 2.0 grams of carbs.
12) Your going to need to keep track of your fat and protein intake. It is very important that you are taking in enough protein in between your post workout nutrition to help you repair your muscles and repair the damage. This is what you are going to need to replenish your muscles so that you can get back to training. It is very important that you take in enough fats in between your post workout nutrition. It will help to slow down your recovery.
13) A good rule of thumb is to take in about 25% of your total calories in between your post workout nutrition. This will help to ensure that you do not take in too much post workout nutrition. This way you have enough to replenish your muscles and help you recover.