Carb Cycling – Your New Dieting Game Changer!
The last thing you need as a carb cycling dieter is to be caught off guard with some new dietary rule or another that suddenly makes the entire carb cycle look like it was yesterday! You don’t want to be caught unaware!
I don’t know about you, but I’m not exactly looking for another workout routine – I’ve got enough to do just by myself without having to work harder than I already do.
So I guess if you’re looking for “carb cycling” – well, let’s see, you might be looking for an entire new diet, a complete new workout routine – all these things I just don’t know about!
So, when one of the many “health and fitness” magazines start talking about “carb cycling,” (which, you’ll know all the “fashion” publications are into these days), I take it that you’re already ready to hit the gym and go at it like the Cyclists they are in an attempt to lose those unwanted pounds!
Now I want to tell you a little secret from my personal experience. I was a “fat person” – I was just a little overweight and it kept me from getting where I wanted to go!
I don’t want you to think that the dieting (or workout) is anything more than a game to get you to buy their latest “body supplement.” It may help to have some “bodybuilding “expert” (if you want) tell you that you can lose the weight you want to get rid of, but I don’t want to get involved in that. Your personal goal and goal with your diet and workout is something else entirely!
The only “fat” diet that I’ve ever gone on was a low-calorie carb/protein diet. I know, some people call this “fatty diet” plan a “ketogenic” or keto-friendly” plan, but it’s simply a plan (if you like) of low calories and high protein and carbs.
If you’re a carb cycling dieter – you’re looking for a plan that you can maintain for the long-run. I’m sure a lot of the Carb Cyclers are just looking for a way to get rid of those unwanted pounds faster – and this is a great way of achieving this goal!